General Conference Book Club

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Back when I blogged at Diapers and Divinity, I used to do a regular feature called General Conference Book Club, but it’s been years. Recently, I was trying to figure out how I could do some good during this period of quarantine/”stay-at-home,” and I thought maybe I could resurrect it. The “book club” is an opportunity to review the most recent general conference talks, be uplifted by their messages, and experience a sense of community as we share our thoughts with each other.

Here’s how it works: Each Wednesday I post a video on my Facebook Author page announcing the talk for the upcoming week. I share some information about the speaker, the topic, some doctrinal points, or some suggested study methods to get the most out of the talk. You can then read or watch or listen to that talk on your own schedule throughout the week and then return to the video post to share your thoughts in the comments. I think we can learn a lot from each other’s insights and ideas for application.

You can find all the general conference book club videos/posts here. (<– Just click that link.) Please join us. Jump in at any time!

You can also watch the videos on Instagram @stephaniedibbsorensen, but I’ve noticed there’s not quite as much discussion there.


  1. Thank you! I will look at your past videos. I followed you during those diaper years and still today. You helped me see General Conference differently as I started studying the talks year round in bite-size chunks instead of just two weekends a year. General Conference is now my love language too.


  2. I’m glad you are doing this especially with Sunday church meetings cancelled. Although this helps me anyway because I’m a Primary teacher so I’m not able to go to Relief Society/Sunday School.
    Thank you!


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